EXHIBITION: “See, Here, Now: Art in a Time of Urgency,” an exhibition through The Place Collective, opens April 4 in Grizedale Forest, UK and runs through June 8.
TALK: "No-One Forgotten," an initiative sponsored by the EU's Creative Europe program and which has been heavily influenced by Oika philosophy (via Supercluster colleagues), invited me to speak about my creative practice and Oika collaboration with Rich Blundell. January 9, 2025, 12p ET.
PANEL: Anthropologist David Syring will be moderating a panel at the American Anthropological Association entitled, “Artful Intelligence, Transdisciplinary Curiosity, and the Beautiful Future: A Conversation with Artist Rita Leduc and Ecologist Rich Blundell.” Virtual and live streamed from Tampa, November 20, 2024. Listen here.
TALK: Rich and I returned to Syracuse University this September 19th as speakers in their Visiting Artist Lecture series to present “The Coming AI Revolution: Artful Intelligence in the Beautiful Future.” Listen to the talk here.
PODCAST: Extending Ecology on Dartington’s Arts+Ecology podcast: Listen here (Apple) or here (show page).
FIELDWORK: Hubbard Brook baseline check October 2024
FIELDWORK: Extending Ecology extends to MacLeish Field Station at Smith College, August 2024.
FIELDWORK: As Rich leads data collection on Nantucket’s ocean acidification research, I begin sensorial research with eelgrass, August 2024. Follow updates on IG.
COURSE: Introduction to Environmental Arts, a new course for Rutgers University’s new minor in Creative Expression and the Environment as well as their Core Curriculum topic, Contemporary Global Crises. This course (and program) began Fall 2023 and has been extremely fulfilling to teach.
MEMBERSHIP: Founded by Harriet and Rob Fraser of Somewhere Nowhere, The Place Collective creates "links between artists, rural communities, academics, and organizations charged with caring for landscapes." I am thrilled to be invited into this deeply interdisciplinary, art-as-research platform.
TALK: “Extending Ecology: An Oika Project in Personal + Planetary Prosperity” as part of the in-person component of The Nature of Cities Festival (Berlin). Recording of talk available here.
EXHIBIT: Extending Ecology’s Gorge Light Series made an appearance at The Nature of Cities Festival in Berlin from June 4-7, 2024
NEWS SEGMENT: Extending Ecology makes its TV debut on WCVB (1:30-2:50)
WORKSHOPS: After a fulfilling Oika Art + Science Leadership workshop this summer at MMA, Rich and I will be delivering similar programming to students at Plymouth State and Syracuse University this Fall.
WORKSHOP: As part of my Oika residency at Maria Mitchell Association, Rich and I are leading an “Oika Art-Science Leadership Workshop” on Monday, 7/10, at 4pm. The time will be spent exploring innovative, whole mind-body alliances between Art and Science to create a new kind of leadership that is accessible and imperative for a beautiful future. Email MMA to register!
RESIDENCY + EXHIBITION: The Art of Oika: Nantucket includes artists Dena Haden, Robert Peters, Dakota Lacroix, and myself. The residency began in October 2022 and is culminating with an indoor/outdoor exhibition at The Maria Mitchell Association from June 15 - July 12, 2023, with outdoor work that is on view indefinitely. Broadly, the work involves transcontextual research, ecological restoration, community cultivation, Oika principles, and the insights and ethos of Maria Mitchell. For more information, visit the website or just book your ferry!
PUBLICATION: After being blown away by resonance with Nora Bateson’s Warm Data concepts, I am so pleased to have an Oika collaboration included in unpsychology magazine’s 8th issue, “An Anthology of Warm Data.” Free download here or order a hard copy here.
WORKSHOP + PANEL: Running parallel to Field Station: Art-Science in the White Mountains, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest is hosting a workshop with leading artists and scientists working at the interface of, well, art and science! This workshop will culminate with an afternoon panel discussion at The Museum of the White Mountains on 1/26.
CONFERENCE: March 17-18, I will be participating in Gregg Henriques’ conference “Consilience: Unifying Knowledge, Orienting Toward Wisdom.” The conference is free, remote, and open to anyone.
EXHIBITION: Field Station: Art-Science in the White Mountains opens on 11/19 at the Museum of the White Mountains at Plymouth State! It's a rousing roundup of art-sci research at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest over the past 10 years, exploring collaboration, experimentation, communication, and of course, the forest itself.
WORKSHOP + PANEL: Art-Sci meeting at Hubbard Brook convening thought leaders from around the country, 1/24-1/26, plus a panel discussion at the Museum of the White Mountains - watch recording here!
WORKSHOP + TALK: In September, I will be joining artist Nancy Lowe and ecologist/collaborator Rich Blundell at the Organization of Biological Field Stations’ annual meeting in Beaver Island, MI, to present a workshop and concurrent session on the expansive potential that artists can offer field stations.
EXHIBITION: Artwork from Extending Ecology will be exhibited near its origin site at Museum of the White Mountains in Plymouth, NH in the exhibition, “Watching the Seasons Change” opening on June 4, 2022. We will be giving a talk about the project on July 12,5-6:30pm - view the recording here.
EXHIBITION: On June 11, Glasshouse Project presents Laps(e), a solo project by Shanti Grumbine with outdoor installation work by Sarah E. Brook and myself. Join us from 4-7p!
CONFERENCE: Ecology Extended will be making an appearance at Rutgers’ Climate Transformation conference on May 4, 2022; register here.
EXHIBITION: Upstate Art Weekend at Mohonk Arts: I will be debuting one of my graphite murals at Mohonk Arts in High Falls from August 27-29, 2021. More information at: https://www.upstateartweekend.org/ and Mohonk Arts. (Hyperallergic article here)