Recent Audio + Text


  • PODCAST INTERVIEW: Rich and I discuss Extending Ecology on Dartington’s Arts+Ecology Podcast. Listen here (Apple) or here (show page).

  • ARTIST TALK: “Extending Ecology: An Oika Project in Personal + Planetary Prosperity” as part of the in-person component of The Nature of Cities Festival in Berlin, June 6, 2024. Recording of talk available here.

  • PANEL DISCUSSION: “Making Meaning with the White Mountains,” panel discussion with Dr. Rich Blundell, curator Meghan Doherty, and myself, October 4, 2023, Museum of the White Mountains.

  • Anthropologist David Syring speaks about Extending Ecology in the context of a necessary unity between Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, Nov 1, 2023, Museum of the White Mountains.

  • ARTIST TALK: Maria Mitchell Science Speaker Series: Rita Leduc: I discuss my individual work and the overarching curatorial themes of the Art of Oika: Nantucket exhibition.

  • GUEST SPEAKER: The Cognitive Science Show with Rich Blundell, John Vervaeke, and Gregg Henriques: Episode 5 and Episode 6

  • PODCAST INTERVIEW: The Nature of Nantucket Podcast, Part 3 with MMA Executive Director, Joanna Roche. Also see Part II and Part I of my conversation with Rich Blundell of Oika discussing our collaboration, my practice, and our upcoming Oika Exhibition Nantucket at Maria Mitchell Association.